
CSI Forensic Science





Garrett, Brenda


For high school students. This science class focuses on practices and analysis of physical evidence found at crime scenes. The course explores several scientific techniques, including investigating hair samples, fibers, DNA and the ballistics of a bullet.


1. Binder with filler paper and section dividers labeled: Notes, Homework, and Labs. 2. Pen or pencil to take notes, colored pencils, and occasionally you will need a scientific calculator. Phones are not allowed to be used as your calculator. 3. Optional: Something to protect your clothing during certain labs, such as an oversized shirt.

Teacher Notes:

CLASS FEE: $40. Text cost: New, used, and rental are available on Amazon.

Required Textbook(s) Subtitle ISBN or Code Price Publisher/Seller
Forensic Science for High School Student Text by Barbara Ball-Deslich and John Funkhouser, Second Edition, 2009 978-0757544149 $25.00 Amazon